wimomz/kari: life is good in the express lane
wimomz/kari: first sign sighting on 94 inbound
wimomz/kari: the city is psyched for summer 16
wimomz/kari: milwaukee in chicago?
wimomz/kari: hancock
wimomz/kari: the sun and the traffic arrive at the same time
wimomz/kari: peek-a-boo fountain
wimomz/kari: new modern addition to the chicago art institute
wimomz/kari: cool but not calatrava-ha!
wimomz/kari: not quite done green space at ai
wimomz/kari: we will be back....
wimomz/kari: reflection in the new modern wing of the art institute
wimomz/kari: buckingham is dry?
wimomz/kari: everyone's fussing about the modern entrance...
wimomz/kari: mp banners
wimomz/kari: looking for the jetson's car
wimomz/kari: road trip to windy city
wimomz/kari: swinging by the newish american girl
wimomz/kari: the el street veiw
wimomz/kari: b'way in a truck
wimomz/kari: mary hails a cab!
wimomz/kari: r n r in the allegro lobby
wimomz/kari: mp marquee
wimomz/kari: 365givertake52 random themes week 23 junebugs! chicago dragonfly
wimomz/kari: walking round the block
wimomz/kari: what's for dinner when the only place open was a 7-11