wimomz/kari: frida-- maya's on her way!
wimomz/kari: hello to laurits from cody!
wimomz/kari: luggage check-in
wimomz/kari: cate and marty
wimomz/kari: getting the thank you cards ready for the mail
wimomz/kari: marty, cate (sis), maya, and brittany the three 8th grade jr. chaperones plus a sister!
wimomz/kari: mr. mark horowitz the lead teacher gives some last directions
wimomz/kari: birthday celebration
wimomz/kari: mr. marks' group brandon, samantha, maya, jacob, and destiny
wimomz/kari: close-up of the gathering
wimomz/kari: group good-bye shot
wimomz/kari: leaving mke
wimomz/kari: mr. marx the group chaperone
wimomz/kari: flight tickets in hand
wimomz/kari: passport in hand
wimomz/kari: tsa long lines
wimomz/kari: so grown this time around!
wimomz/kari: the group at tsa
wimomz/kari: one last smile pre-security
wimomz/kari: one last wave post security