wimomz/kari: gift 'o peeps!
wimomz/kari: heading out 4 the big celebration day!
wimomz/kari: peeping into roma bakery for breakfast
wimomz/kari: lil' bo peeps lost her sheep...
wimomz/kari: peeped up pedicure
wimomz/kari: pedi-peeps
wimomz/kari: purple compliments the yellow peeps perfectly
wimomz/kari: peepover
wimomz/kari: peeping in on the cake
wimomz/kari: surpeeprise!
wimomz/kari: hangin with her peeps 4 b-day lunch
wimomz/kari: lunch on the bd's grill
wimomz/kari: the gift of memories
wimomz/kari: bd's birthday sundae
wimomz/kari: bd's mini's
wimomz/kari: in alterra after shopeeping
wimomz/kari: peep in chai
wimomz/kari: peep-break
wimomz/kari: like mother like daughter
wimomz/kari: 365givertake52 #101 week 15 chocoholics unite! rouge chocolate stout!
wimomz/kari: the celebration continues with sunbob
wimomz/kari: the aretha hat hang's a dawn's 4 dinner
wimomz/kari: pug n peeps
wimomz/kari: mac n 8 cheeses!
wimomz/kari: kai's creamy chix pot-pie
wimomz/kari: 365givertake52 #101 what's 4 dinner? maya's b-day comfort delights mac n 8 cheeses and chix pot-pie
wimomz/kari: makin' 14 wishes!
wimomz/kari: rowan loving the aretha copy hat!