wimomz/kari: CANYONLANDS island in the sky area
wimomz/kari: unbelievable beauty!
wimomz/kari: movie maker maya
wimomz/kari: we r here! http://www.nps.gov/cany
wimomz/kari: little lizard
wimomz/kari: P6300055
wimomz/kari: P6300056
wimomz/kari: P6300057
wimomz/kari: the only cacti..no variety up here
wimomz/kari: ravens everwhere!
wimomz/kari: crazy big like the grand but different
wimomz/kari: me having illusions of pictographs
wimomz/kari: taking it all in
wimomz/kari: making a movie of the whole canyon!
wimomz/kari: P6300069
wimomz/kari: loads of yellow up here on top!
wimomz/kari: like a weed really
wimomz/kari: yellow
wimomz/kari: hot hugs!
wimomz/kari: canyonlands island in the sky
wimomz/kari: P6300076
wimomz/kari: brief picnic w/ nagts...ughhh!
wimomz/kari: on watch for leftovers!
wimomz/kari: he swoops in where the neighbors left
wimomz/kari: dead trees do not give much relief
wimomz/kari: P6300093