wimomz/kari: gingerbread roof top
wimomz/kari: gingerlove
wimomz/kari: candy fluterfly
wimomz/kari: r sweet fam of 3
wimomz/kari: candy fam
wimomz/kari: mf window nutcracker
wimomz/kari: more 4 milwaukee
wimomz/kari: love the clock hate the star
wimomz/kari: mf window nutcracker
wimomz/kari: mf window nutcracker
wimomz/kari: filming on state street
wimomz/kari: mf window nutcracker
wimomz/kari: sears tower holiday glow
wimomz/kari: PC270193
wimomz/kari: mf window nutcracker
wimomz/kari: maya films the mf windows nutcracker
wimomz/kari: peace out gingerbread
wimomz/kari: rollin'
wimomz/kari: cuttin'
wimomz/kari: eatin'
wimomz/kari: decoratin'
wimomz/kari: gram gets the goods!
wimomz/kari: gingerbread 4 peace
wimomz/kari: gingerbread 4 love
wimomz/kari: peace o gingerbread
wimomz/kari: sasafrass gingerbread
wimomz/kari: love is in the air
wimomz/kari: love on the plate
wimomz/kari: tea w/ new hoodie
wimomz/kari: the singer gets a singer