Wil Wright: wil driving scooter in Mui Ne
Wil Wright: tom driving scooter in Mui Ne
Wil Wright: scooter ride to the white dunes 6
Wil Wright: scooter ride to the white dunes 5
Wil Wright: scooter ride to the white dunes 3
Wil Wright: ida on the dunes above Mui Ne guesthouse
Wil Wright: ida and claire overlooking Mui Ne harbour
Wil Wright: ida and claire on Mui Ne beach 2
Wil Wright: ida and claire on Mui Ne beach 1
Wil Wright: fishing boat on Mui Ne beach
Wil Wright: dunes above Mui Ne guesthouse
Wil Wright: dried fish in Mui Ne
Wil Wright: claire on the dunes above Mui Ne guesthouse
Wil Wright: boy and bike in Mui Ne
Wil Wright: kids touching the girls in Mui Ne
Wil Wright: kids and fishing boats on Mui Ne beach
Wil Wright: kids and toy boats on Mui Ne beach 1
Wil Wright: kids and toy boats on Mui Ne beach 2
Wil Wright: kids and toy boats on Mui Ne beach 3
Wil Wright: looking down onto the 'fairy river'
Wil Wright: scooter ride to the white dunes 1
Wil Wright: scooter ride to the white dunes 2
Wil Wright: scooter ride to the white dunes 4