a[A]ron: Towards Dodman Point
a[A]ron: Towards Portloe from The Jacka
a[A]ron: Towards the sea from The Jacka
a[A]ron: Towards Broom Parc
a[A]ron: Broom Parc and Caragloose Farm
a[A]ron: Kiberick Cove from Blouth Point
a[A]ron: Gorgeous clouds
a[A]ron: Very spiky vegetation....
a[A]ron: Towards Pennarin Point from Malmanare Point
a[A]ron: Towards the sea from Carne Beach
a[A]ron: Portloe
a[A]ron: StIves
a[A]ron: StIves beach...in October!
a[A]ron: Towards the sea from Pendower Beach
a[A]ron: Aaron & Jessica on Pendower Beach