WHardcastle: Wells Day postulates on summer in SF - 1
WHardcastle: Wells Day postulates on summer in SF - 2
WHardcastle: Wells Day postulates on summer in SF - 3
WHardcastle: Sonoma County Pride - 1
WHardcastle: Sonoma County Pride - 2
WHardcastle: Sonoma County Pride - 3
WHardcastle: Sonoma County Pride - 4
WHardcastle: excessive heat watch
WHardcastle: Flagging in the Park June 2017 - 1
WHardcastle: Flagging in the Park June 2017 - 2
WHardcastle: Wilson Hardcastle at Flagging in the Park June 2017
WHardcastle: Paul Loesel at Flagging in the Park June 2017
WHardcastle: Don't Be a Dick, Moby Dick
WHardcastle: PeeDee with porn mustache
WHardcastle: PeeDee, sexual Mustashe
WHardcastle: New Red Shoes, Can they keep a diary
WHardcastle: Roman Holiday with Sara Carlson Tavernese
WHardcastle: Hey Roman Holiday-That's not how you spell "Manhattan"
WHardcastle: Roman Holiday with Sara Carlson Tavernese
WHardcastle: Steven Guenther, Jimi Germilhac, and Wilson Hardcastle
WHardcastle: Steven Guenther, Jimi Germilhac, and Wilson Hardcastle at Martuni's
WHardcastle: Flagging red, on the front pocket
WHardcastle: Rob, Cam, and Christian at the Eagle
WHardcastle: Melon shirt, straw hat, melon drink...too hot for black at the Eagle
WHardcastle: Offensive Pride display at Target
WHardcastle: Offensive Pride display at Target 2
WHardcastle: Target needs
WHardcastle: Walgreens knows how to display for Pride
WHardcastle: M&M blowjob
WHardcastle: Welcoming, but still "other"