WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 01
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 02
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 03
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 04
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 05
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 06
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 07
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 08
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 09
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 10
WHardcastle: Final views of the Big Beard - 11
WHardcastle: Who you callin' yella?!
WHardcastle: Big Beard Profiles
WHardcastle: One final twirl of the beard and mustache
WHardcastle: beard cut to the floor