"The Mighty" Will Strohl: First opening I found to the East Palo Alto Trail
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: One of the slough's at Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: One of the slough's at Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: One of the slough's at Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: One of the slough's at Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: One of the slough's at Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Long stretch on a loop at Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: A view of things to come... Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: NASA's Ames Research Center (Moffett Field)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Rear Entrance to NASA's Ames Research Center (Moffett Field)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Behind Lockheed... BUSTED!
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Entry point behind Lockheed - part of Ames/Moffett Field
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Hunting information behind NASA's Ames Research Center (Moffett Field)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Entry point to go towards NASA's Ames Research Center (Moffett Field)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Approaching NASA's Ames Research Center (Moffett Field)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Baylands Preserve
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Palo Alto Airport
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Palo Alto Airport
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: San Francisco Bay Trail: East Palo Alto Section
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: San Francisco Bay Trail: East Palo Alto Section