"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Start of the Trail near the Airport
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
A map of the trail
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
A view of the San Francisco airport from the trail
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Looking out across the San Francisco Bay
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kohen waiting for me to get done with my camera
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
A view across the San Francisco Bay
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Looking at the bay from the highest point of the ride
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Looking back towards the San Francisco airport
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kohen's bike in front of a launch ramp
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kohen at the end of the launch ramp
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Looking towards Oyster Point Pier
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Looking out from Oyster Point
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Oyster Point: Rocks on the Bay
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kohen walking around on the rocks at Oyster Point
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kohen rock surfing at Oyster Point
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Brisbane Marina: Looking towards South San Francisco
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Brisbane Marina: Looking out towards the bay
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Brisbane Marina: Looking at some old docks
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Brisbane Marina: Looking at some old docks
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Looking at the San Francisco Bay from Veterans Blvd
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
A view of Candlestick Park
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
View from the top of a hill at the Hitashi building