"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Cuong Dang giving his pre-conference training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Cuong Dang giving his pre-conference training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ian Robinson giving his pre-conference training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ian Robinson giving his pre-conference training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ian Robinson giving his pre-conference training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ian Robinson giving his pre-conference training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: DotNetNuke World Attendee asking Chris Hammond a Question
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: DotNetNuke World Attendee asking Chris Hammond a Question
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris thinking about plain food
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris bored of questions... ;)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: DotNetNuke World Attendee
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris Hammond About to Train
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris Hammond During DotNetNuke World Training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris Hammond During DotNetNuke World Training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris Hammond During DotNetNuke World Training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris Hammond Giving his DotNetNuke World Training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Chris Hammond during DotNetNuke World Training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Yes. This is how Chris Hammond trains you.
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Cuong Dang (@cuongdang) during his DotNetNuke World training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Cuong Dang (@cuongdang) during his DotNetNuke World training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Cuong Dang (@cuongdang) during his DotNetNuke World training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: DotNetNuke World Training Attendees
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: DotNetNuke World Training Attendees
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ian Robinson (@irobinson) during his DotNetNuke World training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ian Robinson during his DotNetNuke World Training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ian Robinson during his DotNetNuke World Training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: DotNetNuke World Training Attendees
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Erik van Balleggoij (@erikvb) during his DotNetNuke World training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Erik van Ballegoij (@erikvb) during his DotNetNuke World training
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Erik van Ballegoij (@erikvb) during his DotNetNuke World training