"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
DotNetNuke.com on the Chromebook
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Chromebook kiosk
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Chromebook kiosk
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Chrome ottoman
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Chromebook kiosk at Terminal 2, Gate 51
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Chromebook kiosk at Terminal 2, Gate 51
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Richard Dumas, the man behind DotNetNuke World
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Boarding Virgin America flight to Orlando
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Erik van Ballegoij (@ErikVB) and Bruce Chapman (@brucerchapman)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Erik van Ballegoij (@ErikVB) and Bruce Chapman (@brucerchapman)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Bruce Chapman (@brucerchapman)
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Walt Williams getting name tags out
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Aderson Oliviera (@AdersonOliveira) helping out the ODUG
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Aderson Oliviera (@AdersonOliveira) helping out the ODUG
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Will Morgenweck (@wmorgenweck) at the ODUG
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Will Strohl's tweet on the ODUG presenters screen
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Peter Donker (@pdonker) preparing for his ODUG presentation
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Peter Donker (@pdonker) preparing to give his ODUG presenation
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Peter Donker (@pdonker) preparing to give his ODUG presenation
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
World-wide all star DotNetNuke audience at the ODUG
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
World-wide all start audience at the ODUG
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
World-wide all star audience at the ODUG
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Aderson Oliveira (@AdersonOliveira) at the ODUG
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
The "other" Will
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kurt Amstutz (@klamstutz) and Mike van der Meulen (@1mikevdm) chat before the ODUG meeting
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Walt Williams and Ron Miles (@lokheed) chat before the ODUG meeting
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Walt Williams and Ron Miles (@lokheed) before the ODUG meeting
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kurt Amstuz (@klamstutz) mingling with the ODUG members
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Kurt Amstuz (@klamstutz) mingling with the ODUG members
"The Mighty" Will Strohl:
Will Morgenweck (@wmorgenweck) and Bruce Chapman (@brucerchapman) talking shop