"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Klout's Front Door, Peering Inside
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Klout Headquarters
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: People Mingling Around the Food and Drinks
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Another view of Mingling at Klout
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Kim Rausch (@KimRausch) Tweeting at Klout
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Klout has Hung Justin Bieber on their Wall
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Klout's Ping Pong, Lunch Tables, Meeting Rooms
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Klout's Ping Pong Branding
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Ping Pong begins at Klout
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Beer Pong Begins!
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: The Klout Wall of Fame
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: The Klout Wall of Fame
"The Mighty" Will Strohl: Klout is Growing and Looking for Talent