willstotler: Design Project: LOOK Magazine Spread - Cover
willstotler: Design Project: LOOK Magazine Spread - pgs. 2 & 3
willstotler: Design Project: LOOK Magazine Spread - pgs. 4 & 5
willstotler: Design Project: LOOK Magazine Spread - pgs. 6 & 7
willstotler: Design Project: LOOK Magazine Spread - pgs. 8 & 9
willstotler: Design Project: LOOK Magazine Spread - pgs. 10 & 11
willstotler: Design Project: LOOK Magazine Spread - pgs. 12 & 13
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Subway, 1962
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Duplicates
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Urban Cathedral
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Beyond Pinup
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Roughly
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Blue Texture
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Blue Does Not Know Me
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Two
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Italy, 1965
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Three Planes of Red
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Italy, 1954
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Four Browns and a Gray
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - City
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Sidelonging
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Lean
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Fade to 1965
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Bokeh Geometry
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Crossed
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Lean, With Texture
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Green Door
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Hiding Geometry
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - 1961
willstotler: Kristina Paulk - Waiting