willsonworld: appetizer attacked
willsonworld: dinner party
willsonworld: jonathan
willsonworld: daniel
willsonworld: christopher
willsonworld: the u.s. ambassador's digs
willsonworld: christopher
willsonworld: at the ambassador's residence
willsonworld: jonathan and michael
willsonworld: jonathan and michael
willsonworld: michael and guus
willsonworld: three's company
willsonworld: ballroom/screening room
willsonworld: daniel 1
willsonworld: play us a song
willsonworld: another bush monstrosity
willsonworld: kitchen seductress
willsonworld: IMG_7301
willsonworld: the afghan ambassador to france
willsonworld: america's best
willsonworld: the ambassador
willsonworld: arthur, charlie and steve
willsonworld: arthur, charlie and steve
willsonworld: daniel and abby (alber in background)
willsonworld: the first lady's designer
willsonworld: charlie
willsonworld: daniel and abby