willsonworld: dan in safed
willsonworld: the streets of safed
willsonworld: galilee
willsonworld: the view from the mount of beatitudes
willsonworld: gates of capernaum
willsonworld: capernaum
willsonworld: the sea of galilee
willsonworld: palms of galilee
willsonworld: capernaum ruins
willsonworld: peter's old house
willsonworld: synagogue ruins
willsonworld: capernaum
willsonworld: capernaum
willsonworld: mount of beatitudes
willsonworld: old roman bathhouse
willsonworld: the bird of hamat gadar
willsonworld: snooty peacock
willsonworld: now the masses descend
willsonworld: near where jesus was baptized
willsonworld: the river jordan
willsonworld: tiberias
willsonworld: old roman wall in tiberias
willsonworld: rainbow over galilee
willsonworld: rainbow again
willsonworld: galilee
willsonworld: rainbow galilee
willsonworld: rainbow
willsonworld: rainbow