willsonworld: strasbourg rail station
willsonworld: strasbourg street
willsonworld: french tribute to barack...and the boss
willsonworld: kleber square
willsonworld: kleber herself
willsonworld: cathedral entrance
willsonworld: the saints
willsonworld: cathedral artwork
willsonworld: the river ill
willsonworld: strasbourg cathedral
willsonworld: IMG_3283
willsonworld: IMG_3284
willsonworld: IMG_3285
willsonworld: IMG_3286
willsonworld: IMG_3287
willsonworld: IMG_3288
willsonworld: IMG_3289
willsonworld: IMG_3290
willsonworld: IMG_3291
willsonworld: IMG_3292
willsonworld: IMG_3293
willsonworld: IMG_3294
willsonworld: IMG_3295
willsonworld: IMG_3296
willsonworld: IMG_3297
willsonworld: IMG_3298
willsonworld: IMG_3299
willsonworld: IMG_3300
willsonworld: IMG_3301
willsonworld: IMG_3302