willsonworld: phone bankers
willsonworld: welcome sign
willsonworld: hillary with congressional candidate
willsonworld: the senator arrives
willsonworld: welcome to mt. lebanon
willsonworld: hillary
willsonworld: silhouette
willsonworld: sign here
willsonworld: more autographs
willsonworld: meet and greet
willsonworld: chatting up the volunteers
willsonworld: meeting the super volunteer
willsonworld: dropping by
willsonworld: pep talk
willsonworld: availability
willsonworld: presser with hill
willsonworld: our next secretary of state
willsonworld: meeting the senator
willsonworld: hill reaches out
willsonworld: stumping for barack
willsonworld: sent me
willsonworld: clinton
willsonworld: hillary
willsonworld: autographs
willsonworld: meeting the kids
willsonworld: sadie and julie
willsonworld: sadie and julie 2