willsonworld: sagamore hill
willsonworld: fall colors
willsonworld: dan and pierre
willsonworld: sagamore hill
willsonworld: it's a generational thing
willsonworld: dan and pierre at the gravesite
willsonworld: dan and jim
willsonworld: where's pierre?
willsonworld: i want to be a cheerleader too
willsonworld: carefree pierre
willsonworld: fall 07
willsonworld: falling
willsonworld: trio at sagamore
willsonworld: sagamore hill
willsonworld: twin posts
willsonworld: sagamore hill
willsonworld: jim at tr's grave
willsonworld: gravesite of teddy roosevelt
willsonworld: oyster bay
willsonworld: the queen of oyster bay
willsonworld: oyster bay scouts
willsonworld: scouts on parade
willsonworld: skateboarder
willsonworld: the rough riders
willsonworld: mooshka in oyster bay
willsonworld: 3 under tree
willsonworld: sagamore hill