willsonworld: kabul wall
willsonworld: hike up to kabul wall
willsonworld: omnipresent
willsonworld: above kabul
willsonworld: hiking party
willsonworld: hiking party
willsonworld: hillside housing
willsonworld: street
willsonworld: handshake
willsonworld: street
willsonworld: kabul smog
willsonworld: jaweed's brother in law
willsonworld: heights
willsonworld: en route
willsonworld: cheryl, kim and kim
willsonworld: the photographer
willsonworld: please come for tea mr. dan
willsonworld: take my picture
willsonworld: hillside path
willsonworld: child near the wall
willsonworld: don't forget me
willsonworld: IMG_2149
willsonworld: near the wall
willsonworld: old city wall
willsonworld: rugged land