willsonworld: downtown kabul
willsonworld: kabul hillside
willsonworld: kabul police station
willsonworld: madrassa
willsonworld: naan bakery
willsonworld: serena hotel
willsonworld: ruth's street
willsonworld: afghan home
willsonworld: billowing burqas
willsonworld: darulmand street
willsonworld: former us base, now afghani
willsonworld: goat parade
willsonworld: guard post at palace
willsonworld: harrison home
willsonworld: kate crosses the kabul river
willsonworld: madrassa construction
willsonworld: meat market
willsonworld: russian embassy
willsonworld: rusting gun
willsonworld: ruth's front yard view
willsonworld: soviet era ministries
willsonworld: the king's palace
willsonworld: viva massoud
willsonworld: hillside
willsonworld: kabul wall
willsonworld: april 2, 2007
willsonworld: bombed out ghazi high school
willsonworld: makeshift classes
willsonworld: join the afghan army