Flyinace2000: Beth and I
Flyinace2000: Fall Lake
Flyinace2000: Picture of Will
Flyinace2000: Beth and I Laughing
Flyinace2000: The Fall
Flyinace2000: Damara and Will
Flyinace2000: Beth and I
Flyinace2000: More Lake
Flyinace2000: Post Chicken Dance
Flyinace2000: Will and Damara Dacing
Flyinace2000: Damara!
Flyinace2000: Betha and WIll - Beer
Flyinace2000: Damara Stopping to Photograph
Flyinace2000: The Lake
Flyinace2000: Beth Taking my Picture
Flyinace2000: Beth and I (and beer)
Flyinace2000: Octoberfest Rally
Flyinace2000: Damara's Shadow
Flyinace2000: Bear Mountain Lake
Flyinace2000: Green Mountain
Flyinace2000: Good Times
Flyinace2000: Close Together
Flyinace2000: Fall time at Bear Mountain
Flyinace2000: So far apart!
Flyinace2000: Driving to the Rally