Flyinace2000: Signage
Flyinace2000: The look
Flyinace2000: Touristing around town
Flyinace2000: Wierd face
Flyinace2000: practicing taking photos
Flyinace2000: So comfortable....
Flyinace2000: Checking email through lounge chair
Flyinace2000: Liz looking hot in her knock offs
Flyinace2000: CIMG0036
Flyinace2000: With Flash!
Flyinace2000: Internetting at the pool
Flyinace2000: Here I come!
Flyinace2000: CIMG0040
Flyinace2000: Bride's Maid and my Wedding Gift
Flyinace2000: Let it Begin
Flyinace2000: CIMG0043
Flyinace2000: Groomsman
Flyinace2000: CIMG0045
Flyinace2000: From afar
Flyinace2000: Here she comes!
Flyinace2000: Walking up the Stairs
Flyinace2000: Read the Art of Marriage
Flyinace2000: What a dress!
Flyinace2000: Almost Married!
Flyinace2000: Doing my reading
Flyinace2000: Doing my Reading
Flyinace2000: Perfect Weather
Flyinace2000: Bride and Groom
Flyinace2000: Bride and Groom
Flyinace2000: Wedding Party departs