PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Yellow Rose with Dewdrops, 1.31.22
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Vivid Rose with Water Drops, 1.31.22
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: White Rose, 1.28.22
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Queen Elizabeth Rose, 10.29.20
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Tineke Rose (III), 9.27.21
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Red Rose (I), 1.17.22
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Tineke Rose (II), 9.27.21
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: White Delight Rose (III), 4.24.17
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: White Rose (V), 4.24.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Kiss of Fire Rose (I), 4.17.17
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Salmon & Pink Rose, 5.8.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Pink Rose (II), 5.7.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Angel Face Rose (II), 4.17.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: White Rose (II), 11.8.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Red Rose, 5.8.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Red Orange Rose, 5.3.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Red Rose, 4.20.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Anne Morrow Lindbergh Rose, 5.8.17
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: White Rose (I), 11.8.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Fourth of July Rose, 5.7.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Moondance Rose, 10.29.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Red Rose (II), 5.3.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Yellow and Pink Rose, 4.10.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Secret's Out Rose, 9.24.15
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Salmon & Pink, 4.17.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Raindrops on a Pink Rose, 11.28.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Pink Rose, 5.4.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: White Rose (I), 11.10.21
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Yellow Rose (II), 5.4.18
PatriciaEmersonMitchell: Sugar Moon Rose (III), 5.5.17