nz_willowherb: Meadowsweet : Filipendula ulmaria
nz_willowherb: Hogweed : Heracleum sphondylium
nz_willowherb: Sneezewort : Achillea ptarmica
nz_willowherb: Pale St John's Wort : Hypericum montanum
nz_willowherb: All quiet at the bird hide today
nz_willowherb: All quiet at the bird hide today
nz_willowherb: Greater Bird's-foot Trefoil : Lotus pedunculatus
nz_willowherb: Heath Groundsel : Senecio sylvaticus
nz_willowherb: Heath Groundsel : Senecio sylvaticus
nz_willowherb: Northern Marsh Orchid
nz_willowherb: Northern Marsh Orchid
nz_willowherb: Northern Marsh Orchid
nz_willowherb: Sole crab apple on a tree in Tentsmuir forest
nz_willowherb: Branched Bur-reed : Sparganium erectum
nz_willowherb: Bullrush : Typha latifolia
nz_willowherb: Forestry at Morton Lochs showing devastation by Storm Arwen.
nz_willowherb: Forestry at Morton Lochs showing devastation by Storm Arwen.
nz_willowherb: Forestry at Morton Lochs showing devastation by Storm Arwen.
nz_willowherb: Probably Xanthoria parietina on a fallen tree branch
nz_willowherb: Biting Stonecrop : Sedum acre
nz_willowherb: Yellow Rattle : Rhinanthus minor
nz_willowherb: Ox-eye Daisies growing through Wood Horsetail
nz_willowherb: Ox-eye Daisy and moth
nz_willowherb: Mallard and Little Egret
nz_willowherb: Lots of Mallard
nz_willowherb: Sunbasking Grey Herons
nz_willowherb: Red Squirrel, dark colours
nz_willowherb: Tufted Duck : Aythya fuligula
nz_willowherb: Teal : Anas crecca
nz_willowherb: Mute Swan : Cygnus olor