nz_willowherb: Grimmia pulvinata
nz_willowherb: Grimmia pulvinata and Encalypta streptocarpa
nz_willowherb: Forest margin, Tentsmuir
nz_willowherb: Mushroom in the wine glass
nz_willowherb: Moss on the sandunes
nz_willowherb: Moss on sand dunes Tentsmuir
nz_willowherb: Raindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Lochan na Lairige exclosure
nz_willowherb: Lochan na Lairige exclosure
nz_willowherb: Bell Heather and Raindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Forest walk by Portree
nz_willowherb: Raindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Raindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Possibly Hedwigia ciliata moss
nz_willowherb: Raindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Raindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Lichen and moss
nz_willowherb: Moss on stone
nz_willowherb: Reindeer Lichen
nz_willowherb: Sphagnum Moss colours
nz_willowherb: Reindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Reindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Reindeer Moss
nz_willowherb: Mossy Dyke
nz_willowherb: Moss-covered boulders
nz_willowherb: Moss and Lichen
nz_willowherb: Mossy tree