nz_willowherb: Serpentine rock of the Keen of Hamar
nz_willowherb: Field Gentians at the end of the season
nz_willowherb: The Keen of Hamar
nz_willowherb: Probable Cladonia portentosa
nz_willowherb: Wild Thyme : Thymus polytrichus
nz_willowherb: A flowering Wild Thyme and ? budding Alpine Bartsia
nz_willowherb: Budding Wild Thyme
nz_willowherb: Heather : Calluna vulgaris
nz_willowherb: Tormentil, Potentilla erecta
nz_willowherb: Sea Plantain, prior to fruiting
nz_willowherb: Common Bird's-foot-trefoil, Lotus corniculatus
nz_willowherb: Moss Campion, Silene acaulis
nz_willowherb: Shetland Mouse-ear, Cerastium nigrescens
nz_willowherb: Spring Squill, Scilla verna
nz_willowherb: Sea Campion, Silene uniflora
nz_willowherb: Northern Rock-cress, Arabis petraea
nz_willowherb: Solifluction in operation
nz_willowherb: Early Purple Orchid, Orchis mascula
nz_willowherb: Frog Orchid, Coeloglossum viride
nz_willowherb: Common Milkwort, Polygala vulgaris
nz_willowherb: Shetland Mouse-ear, Cerastium nigrescens
nz_willowherb: Mountain Everlasting Antennaria dioica
nz_willowherb: Kidney Vetch, Anthyllis vulneraria
nz_willowherb: Litter on the littoral zone
nz_willowherb: Slender St John's Wort
nz_willowherb: Slender St John's Wort
nz_willowherb: Common Butterwort
nz_willowherb: Common Butterwort
nz_willowherb: (Correction) Northern Marsh Orchid
nz_willowherb: Spring Squill