Willow&Monk: The Fam
Willow&Monk: Interlopers?
Willow&Monk: Hey, the feelings of ambivalence's mutual
Willow&Monk: Chloe and Diego
Willow&Monk: You look familiar...
Willow&Monk: Willow's usual stance
Willow&Monk: Velvet: Mama
Willow&Monk: Are you my mommy?
Willow&Monk: brother Diego
Willow&Monk: Velvet
Willow&Monk: Chloe checks out Willlow
Willow&Monk: meet & greet
Willow&Monk: meet & greet
Willow&Monk: meet & greet
Willow&Monk: Aunt Chloe, The Protector
Willow&Monk: brothers playing together