@WillMcD: Almost done
@WillMcD: Hey, I did it!
@WillMcD: Putting together my new night stand 1/2 way done
@WillMcD: Ikea night stand. Man this might take awhile
@WillMcD: IMG_4883.JPG
@WillMcD: Doc looking over his gifts
@WillMcD: Hey, I think we did pretty well. Dan once again got the most stuff.
@WillMcD: Christmas morning
@WillMcD: IMG_4879.JPG
@WillMcD: Every year Dan and I get about 4 gifts that are the same. The Hess truck is one of them. Even at 29, I still love getting them
@WillMcD: My pile. not bad. not bad at all
@WillMcD: IMG_4874.JPG
@WillMcD: IMG_4873.JPG
@WillMcD: Jeana gave my parents a framed picture of Riggins. Sniff - miss you buddy. Just wasn't the same with out Rigs napping in the wrapping paper.
@WillMcD: IMG_4870.JPG
@WillMcD: Dan got a camera for his b-day/christmas
@WillMcD: The McDonough Christmas Tree
@WillMcD: Wii controller - pez style.