WillieBHines: Invocation with translation
WillieBHines: Level 3 introduces themselves
WillieBHines: Level 1 introduces themselves
WillieBHines: Jaden and Mark do a scene, C walks on
WillieBHines: Big Booty in Mandarin
WillieBHines: Invocation Mandarin
WillieBHines: Tony and Sam do a scene
WillieBHines: Dinner after level 3 Harold
WillieBHines: Movie on the flight over
WillieBHines: Weather app reveals travels
WillieBHines: Buffet at hotel
WillieBHines: Swank lobby at Presidential Beijing
WillieBHines: Cool Chef at hotel buffet
WillieBHines: China Daily English newspaper
WillieBHines: Chinese traditional medicine store
WillieBHines: Mua Hua theater entrance
WillieBHines: Goodbye Mr. Loser poster
WillieBHines: Traditional Chinese medicine drawer
WillieBHines: Level 1 class warms up
WillieBHines: Bustling restaurant
WillieBHines: Stores look cool at night
WillieBHines: view from hotel
WillieBHines: Jay Lenon Clinton joke here
WillieBHines: Cool napkins
WillieBHines: Level 1 warmups
WillieBHines: lunch with Jessie, Duo and Han
WillieBHines: subway map