William Naylor:
Our three day tramp begins.
William Naylor:
As we began to climb the first hillside we stumbled across two goats (and a frog).
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The same young goat (Alpine Ibex I'm assuming).
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Nelleke in the bright sun as we reach the top of our day one climb.
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And then across the field to to our cabin.
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Day two begins: a long, sunny day, mostly spent above the tree line.
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A side valley we walked past early in the day.
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Beautiful but difficult to capture views were ever present.
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At least one photo had to be dedicated to the flowers that bloomed all around the trail.
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The Hochschwab, at 2,277 m, was the highest point of our hike.
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Andrea at the the edge of the top.
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A number of these guys (what were they Thomas?) shared the spot at the top with us and the other tourists.
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And here is the full group of us, and those aforementioned tourists.
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Ben idioting about as we begin our wander downwards.
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Some form of pheasant we found living up there too. I'm sure someone can help me out with what these guys are.
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As we came down into a slightly more lush valley we found this marmot and a deer doing their thing.
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The lower reaches of the valley from the previous shot, although now the beginning of day three.
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Ben approving of the surrounds.
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And then getting on with the tramp.
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A short section of track running above the steam running through the lower section of the final valley.
William Naylor:
And our swimming spot. It hadn't rained in four weeks in the region so we couldn't shower or swim along the way so this first wash was a welcome one.