William Naylor: A robin came mid winter to check out my apartment.
William Naylor: Here I am on our snowboarding trip up to Tromsø. I'm hiking up with snowshoes on and my snowboard on my back.
William Naylor: Myself and Hanne's cousin, Hanna. Plenty of wind driven snow at the tops of all mountains.
William Naylor: And the ride down. If you look closely at the top right corner you see the other side of the fiord.
William Naylor: What the hell am I doing with my life?
William Naylor: Myself and Hanne.
William Naylor: Falling in the deeper snow and forrest. The trip was very challenging for me.
William Naylor: Our two topptur companions with semi stunning views over Tromsø around. That's actually my board at the bottom of the photo.
William Naylor: And here is the full group of us. From the right it's me, Hanne, Hanne's cousin, and Hanne's cousin's boyfriend (our fantastic tour guide).
William Naylor: Now a few recent pics from a camping trip Hanne and I had just close to Trondheim.
William Naylor: Looking out over Trondheims-fiord. The island is where I met Hanne actually.
William Naylor: Clearly a campfire. Very nice weather being shown off too.
William Naylor: And our tent with fairly typical furuskog/pine forrest around.