Bill from Boston:
Getting ready to head to Market
Bill from Boston:
Say Cheese!
Bill from Boston:
Like Buttah!
Bill from Boston:
Nothing with taste goes to waste!
Bill from Boston:
Churning to make Cheese
Bill from Boston:
Bill from Boston:
Peppers and Haystacks
Bill from Boston:
Getting ready for school
Bill from Boston:
Morning in Bhutan
Bill from Boston:
From garden to table
Bill from Boston:
Peppers for Ema Datshi
Bill from Boston:
Bhutanese Farmhouse Kitchen
Bill from Boston:
Dinner Prep at Bhutanese Farmhouse
Bill from Boston:
The Long and Winding Road
Bill from Boston:
Drying Red Peppers
Bill from Boston:
Bhutanese Farm House Interior
Bill from Boston:
At Bhutanese Farm House
Bill from Boston:
Prayer beads
Bill from Boston:
Wisdom in her eyes
Bill from Boston:
Bhutan Still Life
Bill from Boston:
Monks and Sleeping Dogs at the Monastery
Bill from Boston:
Peeking out above the market
Bill from Boston:
Mother and daughter reading a book at Market
Bill from Boston:
School Children at the Market after School
Bill from Boston:
After school in Bhutan
Bill from Boston:
Drying hot peppers on the roof
Bill from Boston:
Looking out
Bill from Boston:
Novice Monks Playing Chicken Wing
Bill from Boston:
Looking out on the Monestary Grounds