Defiance49: 350404 at Euxton
Defiance49: 66550 at Euxton with a Fiddlers Ferry to Hunterston train
Defiance49: Another dull and boring Pendolino at Euxton
Defiance49: 185142 at Euxton
Defiance49: Virmin Pendolino at Euxton
Defiance49: 68010 & 68011 at Euxton
Defiance49: 68010 & 68011 at Euxton on 5Z59
Defiance49: 185118 at Leyland
Defiance49: Voyager at Leyland
Defiance49: Voyager at Leyland
Defiance49: 66528 at Leyland
Defiance49: 66528 at Leyland
Defiance49: 156423 at Wilpshere
Defiance49: Ribble Valley
Defiance49: Ribble Valley
Defiance49: Sheep
Defiance49: More Sheep
Defiance49: 66431 at Wilpshere
Defiance49: 66431 at Wilpshere
Defiance49: 66431 and a Sheep at Wilpshere
Defiance49: 150141 at Long Preston
Defiance49: 45231 at Long Preston
Defiance49: 45231 at Long Preston
Defiance49: 45231 at Long Preston
Defiance49: 45231 at Long Preston
Defiance49: The Fellsman at Long Preston
Defiance49: Sherwood Forester at Long Preston
Defiance49: 37518 at Long Preston
Defiance49: 66017 at long Preston
Defiance49: 37518 at Long Preston