Defiance49: Arnold Machin at Frodingham platform
Defiance49: Arnold Machin at Frodingham
Defiance49: D2853 at the AFRPS Shed
Defiance49: Arnold Machin At the AFRPS
Defiance49: Arnold Machin
Defiance49: D2853 at the AFRPS
Defiance49: Little and Large!
Defiance49: Sentinel at AFRPS
Defiance49: Sentinel and Arnold Machin
Defiance49: D2853 at AFRPS
Defiance49: D2853 & No1 Dwarfed by a Cooling tower
Defiance49: D2853 & Appleby Frodingham Steel Co Ltd No 1
Defiance49: Unrestored Wagon at AFRPS
Defiance49: Saddle Tank at The AFRPS
Defiance49: Shark DB993829 at The AFRPS Platform
Defiance49: Inside the AFRPS Shed
Defiance49: Rolls Royce Sentinel
Defiance49: YEC Arnold Machin
Defiance49: Sentinel Loco at AFRPS
Defiance49: Eccles Slag Company Loco
Defiance49: Appleby Frodingham No1
Defiance49: YEC industrial at Frodingham
Defiance49: TATA Scuncthorpe
Defiance49: YEC Builders Plate
Defiance49: Yorkshire Engine Co 0-6-0
Defiance49: Appleby - Frodingham Steel Company Loco No1
Defiance49: Rolls Royce 0-6-0 at Frodingham