whaun: Slaughtering the Rams
whaun: Burning the skin off the rams
whaun: The guys butchering the sheep
whaun: Ellen & Talata fry the meat
whaun: Fausti prepares the stew
whaun: Stew for Jolof Rice
whaun: Abibatu and her daughter stir the cooking rice
whaun: Jolof rice cooking in vat
whaun: The ladies pack all the "takeaway" meals
whaun: Heidi and her friends who helped prepare the day's food
whaun: Heidi introduces KJ to Foocea's little girl
whaun: Heidi & KJ
whaun: Our decorated gate
whaun: Seats arranged for the event
whaun: The Paramount Chief's delegation
whaun: Pastors Francis & David and our MC Ben
whaun: Chief Kulibiidaana
whaun: Kombonnaaba Chief Sampa (chief of warriors), Lonsinaaba Zackary (chief of drummers) and one of his drummers.
whaun: KJ at the Adoring
whaun: Ben MCs the event
whaun: Gonji musicians perform
whaun: Gladys from Kolinvai Baptist Church leads worship
whaun: Chief Sampa dances with the gonji musicians
whaun: Jessie dances and Heidi tips her
whaun: Pastor Francis reads Ephesians 2:8-9 in Mampruli and English
whaun: Pastor Sugri announces KJ's name: Naawumpiinikasi or "God's Holy Gift"
whaun: Heidi & Naawunpiinikasi
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