whaun: Bouaké's Hotel Elephant
whaun: 2011159RWH384.jpg
whaun: Pot Luck Dinner
whaun: The "Hankie" Dance
whaun: Let Them Praise His Name With Dancing
whaun: First of the Harvest
whaun: Dressed to the Nines
whaun: 2011159RWH303.jpg
whaun: 2011159RWH300.jpg
whaun: 2011159RWH295.jpg
whaun: 2011159RWH288.jpg
whaun: The MC
whaun: Worship Leader w/ Homemade Traditional Baoulé Guitar
whaun: The Choral Group Dances
whaun: 2011159RWH266.jpg
whaun: Once a Mechanic, Now a Pastor
whaun: Dabilla Preaches
whaun: Broken Glass, Bible
whaun: La Gare à Adjame
whaun: Taters
whaun: Gare UTB à Adjame
whaun: Gare UTB à Adjame
whaun: Vandalized Monument des Martyrs
whaun: 2011159RWH070.jpg
whaun: 2011159RWH066.jpg
whaun: Cleaning Up
whaun: Young Guns
whaun: Stray RPG
whaun: Collateral Damage
whaun: Road to Yopougon