SARAΗ LEE: road trippin' up north for the next week or two! 🌲🌅🌊🌞⛺️
: crash
pinglunghomei: 可愛貓咪戒指,讓手上的配件也能傳達妳的品味。 Cute kitty rings, accessories for hands to deliver your taste. #cute #kitty #rings #fashion #accessories #Korea #Korean #milukushowrooms #taipei #taiwan
pinglunghomei: 追蹤我們的instergram,並分享妳的Miluku Showrooms穿搭,活動到7/31截止,小幫手會統計照片中的讚,人氣照片可以得到店長精選的韓國神秘小禮物噢。(記得tag我們噢,文字後面加上#milukushowrooms就可以了~) Follow our instergram and share your beautiful photo. Tag us #milukushowrooms You have chance to win a special gift from Korea! #f
: bubble
周禎和: _DSC1348
周禎和: _DSC7803
SARAΗ LEE: upload
固米: P4180015
固米: P4200321
SARAΗ LEE: Into the pink • @alisonsadventures @teekigram @dafinhi @odinasurf #underthesea #sarahleephoto #underwatersunset
: girl
Marco0503: 放空!
Marco0503: Oia Sunset
Marco0503: Sunset
Marco0503: Sunrise
Marco0503: Sunset
: Where hope is ?
: rain
: rain
: rain
linfon: 3D超音波應該有給恐怖片作者很多靈感
linfon: 預購十個月現在才到貨,還好有付贈品颱風假ㄧ天!!
: float
SARAΗ LEE: slow down