oewimmie: preparing the beach
oewimmie: the needle William I landed here 200 years ago.
oewimmie: lighthouse scheveningen the netherlands
oewimmie: it´s gonna rain
oewimmie: restaurant
oewimmie: the hague
oewimmie: the fishermans widow
oewimmie: after the storm
oewimmie: scary monsters in the sky
oewimmie: panna soccer
oewimmie: crimson,grey boat with white anchor
oewimmie: wooden ship
oewimmie: net and chain
oewimmie: walking along the seaside
oewimmie: lasershow
oewimmie: men in blue and yellow
oewimmie: MAGIC BUS juicy details
oewimmie: along the water side
oewimmie: dolphins in the north sea ;-@
oewimmie: Girl in front of the museum . ( girl with the pearl - johannes vermeer)
oewimmie: seaweed
oewimmie: the lighthouse of scheveningen
oewimmie: fly kites , Scheveningen
oewimmie: face in the dune
oewimmie: kite surfin´
oewimmie: my shadow without me
oewimmie: the lighthouse of scheveningen
oewimmie: stairway to the lighthouse
oewimmie: the lighthouse of scheveningen
oewimmie: Dutch light, Dutch delight.