willgoldstein: Girl vs. Squirrel (1/365)
willgoldstein: 2|365 Jacob's Ladder
willgoldstein: 3|365 No worthwhile photos today because of rain and chores, but my son and I are making progress on setting up a home recording studio.
willgoldstein: 4|365 spent much of my day soundproofing my basement music room, so no great photos today. But my friend came over to help me test out my recording set up and it sounds awesome.
willgoldstein: 6|365: Daddy-Daughter-Monkey tea party
willgoldstein: 7|365: Ms. Vivi
willgoldstein: 9|365 Crazy Lady
willgoldstein: 10|365 sleeping on the train
willgoldstein: 12|365 Setting Sun
willgoldstein: 13|365 Pretend
willgoldstein: 14|365 The World is Your Sno-Cone
willgoldstein: 15|365 Nursemaid's Elbow
willgoldstein: 17|365 The Reader
willgoldstein: 17|365 Mommy's Kiss
willgoldstein: 19|365 Future Ballerina
willgoldstein: 20|365 My First Newborn Shoot
willgoldstein: 26|365 She wants to dance so badly
willgoldstein: 36|365 Self-Portrait, Age 33
willgoldstein: 41|365_1
willgoldstein: 41|365_2
willgoldstein: 41|365_3
willgoldstein: 41|365_4