dubtea: Den, before
dubtea: Den, before
dubtea: Kitchen, before
dubtea: Staircase, before
dubtea: Dining Room, before
dubtea: Living Room, before
dubtea: Living Room, before
dubtea: Front, before
dubtea: Bea holding up the house
dubtea: New owners on the porch
dubtea: Open Whirlpool Dryer
dubtea: (vis)Queen of the Jungle
dubtea: Fun with Dryers
dubtea: Elephant Ear Jungle
dubtea: Elephant Ear Root
dubtea: Backyard Plan
dubtea: Backyard Plan w/ Names
dubtea: Alocasian Holocaust 2009
dubtea: Wall Bike Rack
dubtea: House Upper Snow
dubtea: House Full Snow
dubtea: His eyes glow b/c he's evil
dubtea: I seriously almost crapped myself.
dubtea: I seriously almost crapped myself.
dubtea: Vents!
dubtea: New Chandelier
dubtea: Partially Sanded Porch
dubtea: Pre-Paint
dubtea: A Layer Beneath
dubtea: Priming