wfbakker2: La Caravane begins
wfbakker2: Basse-Bodeux roundabout
wfbakker2: Floats of the Caravane
wfbakker2: Not a good day for a mascot.
wfbakker2: The Traveling Bed
wfbakker2: France's answer to CSI
wfbakker2: Luxembourg and USA in attendance
wfbakker2: That's not Marmaduke...
wfbakker2: The mascot for a tire manufacturer.
wfbakker2: Basse-Bodeux welcomes you
wfbakker2: Food!
wfbakker2: Street Printer: Yellow Paint
wfbakker2: Makers' bicycle
wfbakker2: The Complainer?
wfbakker2: Stalwart Spectators
wfbakker2: Looking down the course
wfbakker2: A view of Basse-Bodeux
wfbakker2: Official Kit! Get yer kit!
wfbakker2: Everybody comes out for the Tour
wfbakker2: Lone cyclist and a restless crowd
wfbakker2: Welcome to Wallonia
wfbakker2: Accurate photo of the weather
wfbakker2: Okay, this is getting tedious.
wfbakker2: Flag of Wallonia
wfbakker2: Real Roosters
wfbakker2: A plaintive message
wfbakker2: Course vehicles: official and unofficial
wfbakker2: Weather coming
wfbakker2: The true tête du Tour.
wfbakker2: Leader, for the moment.