wfbakker2: Newest Gate to the Vatican, by Benedict XVI
wfbakker2: St. Peter's Holding Pen
wfbakker2: Ring around the Piazza
wfbakker2: The columns opposite the line
wfbakker2: From piazza to the Basilica
wfbakker2: Fountain and stage
wfbakker2: Statues along the colonnade
wfbakker2: The Papal Apartments
wfbakker2: Commotion at the gates
wfbakker2: Vatican guards humour a tourist
wfbakker2: Dudes in charge
wfbakker2: Another look at Bernini's colonnade
wfbakker2: Taking our chance
wfbakker2: Another modesty sign
wfbakker2: Inside St. Peter's Basilica
wfbakker2: Shiny!
wfbakker2: More Vatican guards
wfbakker2: Quietly observing
wfbakker2: Pomp and ceremony
wfbakker2: In St Peter's, during Mass
wfbakker2: Down the centre of the nave
wfbakker2: Raining into the portico
wfbakker2: In the portico, watching for a break in the rain
wfbakker2: St Peter's Gift Shop
wfbakker2: The rain at St Peter's
wfbakker2: Procession of the tour buses
wfbakker2: A last look
wfbakker2: Later that night: more rain
wfbakker2: Subways are dry.
wfbakker2: One last site to visit.