WilfredM: inside of the Bombe @ bletchley park
WilfredM: the manor at bletchley park
WilfredM: view from polish memorial to the manor @ bletchley park
WilfredM: the manor from bletchley park post office
WilfredM: inside the manor at bletchley parl
WilfredM: newspaper on V-Day
WilfredM: cycles from the 40s @ bletchley park
WilfredM: cycles from the 40s @ bletchley park
WilfredM: computer room @ bletchley park
WilfredM: mobile communication with iPhone as ultimate device @ bletchley park
WilfredM: inside a computer
WilfredM: back of Colossus @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: front of Colossus @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: old memories....
WilfredM: harrier jet close up @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Polish Memorial @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Flowers @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Flowers @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Garage of Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Model Ships @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Model Ships @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Jeep @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Manor House @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: close up of Churchill @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: inside the Manor @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: @Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Manor House @ Bletchley Park with tourist groups swarming
WilfredM: Flowers @ Bletchley Park
WilfredM: garden area at Bletchley Park
WilfredM: Lake (aka Pond) at Bletchley Park