*karen: grandma mah - miss yoU!
*karen: ho! hey!
*karen: hip hop hurray!
*karen: birthday girl
*karen: cheesey new smile
*karen: lotsa love for cousin jadn
*karen: cheese please
*karen: more cheese please
*karen: hilarious
*karen: keeping watch
*karen: tired on the luminato tour
*karen: tummy slide
*karen: wrong way
*karen: apprehension
*karen: exploring the backyard
*karen: here's grass workin' its charm
*karen: who said she was quiet???
*karen: oh snap!
*karen: Maxine
*karen: bumps and bruises (and the occasional tears)
*karen: cruising along the couch
*karen: look at ME!
*karen: mommy and me
*karen: popular play station
*karen: high chair woes
*karen: whatchu lookin at?
*karen: fed up!
*karen: another up to no good shot
*karen: mini one
*karen: 134...wait a second, that's not right