Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird female gets a little bothered by our car reflections
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird female gets a little bothered by our car reflections
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird female attacks the car rearview mirror and then front windshield
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbirds
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbirds
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Red-winged Blackbirds mixed with Brown-headed Cowbirds
Wildreturn: Eastern Wood-Pewee pair feeding young Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Eastern Wood-Pewee pair feeding young Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Eastern Wood-Pewee pair feeding young Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird at the drinking fountain
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird tended by Pewees
Wildreturn: Brown-headed Cowbird tended by Pewees