D Welch: birds.disk2 021
D Welch: Magnolia Warbler
D Welch: Black-throated Blue Warbler
D Welch: Black-and-white Warbler
D Welch: Black-throated Blue Warbler
D Welch: Yellow-rumped Warbler
D Welch: Virginia 2006 113
D Welch: Great Black-backed Gull
D Welch: Double-crested Cormorant
D Welch: Ruddy Turnstone
D Welch: Northern Gannet
D Welch: Short-billed Dowitchers
D Welch: dunlin
D Welch: Tundra Swan
D Welch: Parasitic Jaeger
D Welch: Atlantic Puffin
D Welch: Razorbill
D Welch: Thick-billed Murre
D Welch: pine warbler
D Welch: hermit thrush
D Welch: White Ibis
D Welch: birds.disk2 008
D Welch: birds.disk2 007
D Welch: birds.disk2 001
D Welch: American Kestrel
D Welch: birds.disk2 004
D Welch: marbled godwit
D Welch: Willets and Godwits
D Welch: Willets and Godwits
D Welch: Willets and Godwits