Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Paper wasp - Guêpe Poliste (Polistes hebraeus), Vespidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Jack jumper ant (Myrmecia pilulosa), Formicidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Jack jumper ant (Myrmecia pilulosa), Formicidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Jack jumper ant (Myrmecia pilulosa), Formicidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Giant honey bee - Apis dorsata, Apidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Abeille (Apis mellifera), Apidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): European honey bee - Abeille européenne (Apis mellifera), Apidae - Pollination of Arum (Zantedeschia aethiopica), Araceae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): European honey bee - Abeille européenne (Apis mellifera), Apidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): European honey bee - Abeille européenne (Apis mellifera), Apidae - Pollination of Arum (Zantedeschia aethiopica), Araceae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): European honey bee - Abeille européenne (Apis mellifera), Apidae - Pollination of Arum (Zantedeschia aethiopica), Araceae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): European honey bee - Abeille européenne (Apis mellifera), Apidae - Pollination of Arum (Zantedeschia aethiopica), Araceae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Paper wasp - Guêpe Poliste (Polistes hebraeus), Vespidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Hélophile à bandes grises (Helophilus trivittatus), Syrphidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Hélophile à bandes grises (Helophilus trivittatus), Syrphidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Buff-tailed bumblebee - Bourdon terrestre (Bombus terrestris), Apidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Bombus sp. - Forme mélanique, Apidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): FRELON E2 - Hornet - Frelon européen (Vespa crabro), Vespidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): FRELON E1 - Hornet - Frelon européen (Vespa crabro), Vespidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Common banded hoverfly - Syrphe du groseiller (Syrphus ribesii), Syrphidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Volucelle bourdon (Volucella bombylans), Syrphidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Volucelle bourdon (Volucella bombylans), Syrphidae
Daniel.Goeleven (Wildlife & Biodiversity): Chrysotoxe prudente (Chrysotoxum cautum), Syrphidae, Diptères