Wildlands CPR: Introductions
Wildlands CPR: Lunch Before A Hike
Wildlands CPR: A Short Hike Leads to A Landing
Wildlands CPR: Mark Demonstrates Soil Compaction
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0029
Wildlands CPR: Tom Discusses A Nearby Glacial Pothole
Wildlands CPR: The Group Studies the Logging History
Wildlands CPR: Alan Representing DNRC
Wildlands CPR: Mark Leads the Group Investigation of Cottonwood Bottom Lands
Wildlands CPR: On-the-ground restoration workshop to protect bull trout
Wildlands CPR: Group Hikes the Dry Fork of Elk Creek
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0053
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0054
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0059
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0062
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0064
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0066
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0069
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0070
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0073
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0074
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0075
Wildlands CPR: DSCN0079
Wildlands CPR: P5181568
Wildlands CPR: P5181569
Wildlands CPR: P5181570
Wildlands CPR: P5181571
Wildlands CPR: P5181572
Wildlands CPR: P5181573
Wildlands CPR: P5181574